TN50#30, Life Happens, 26 July 2021
Hi Team,
Happy Monday and welcome to The Next 50 #30.
You ever have one of those days that just doesn’t go as planned? Nothing actually goes terribly wrong you just get sideways in a few small places and the next thing you know it is 2210 (10:10 pm) at night and you haven’t actually written the final draft of a paper that is due in 50 minutes?
That is me right now at this very moment, so you all will have to wait for my entry on melatonin and how it effects non-sleep related physiological systems that are pretty neat and worth paying attention to as we look to maximize performance in the real world.
On separate topic, Sam, Luke and I jumped into a lake fed by St. Mary’s Glacier on Saturday, the water was 50 degrees Fahrenheit, we all felt very much alive! Carly, Will and our dog Sophie decided to stay dry but we all had a good hike and the flowers blooming amongst the boulders around the lake were beautiful.
Have a good one, Alex
2022 Murph Count: 10