TN50 #52, That’s A Wrap, 27 December 2021
Hi Team,
Happy New Year, Happy Monday and welcome to The Next 50 #52, When I started this on 04 January 2021, I had never written anything that I shared with more than a few people and I had never written weekly. Hitting TN50 #52 is pretty cool for me personally and hopefully not too painful for all of you that get these! Here are two thoughts looking back and two looking forward from where I stand. I would love it if you would share your list back with me.
2021 Looking Back:
- I was blessed to have a lot more family time this year, regular day in day out stuff with Carly, Will, Ava, Sam and Luke and it was great. I feel like COVID19 is ultimately the reason for this so even CV19 isn’t all bad.
- A lot of you all really got after it in 2021 from a personal and business stand point, I am very lucky and humbled to be a part of your lives. You all are truly inspirational to me.
2022 Looking Forward
- I want to fail more and make more mistakes. If I can’t do this it means I am scared and playing it safe and just doing what I know I can do. Look out 2022, it’s time to try some new stuff!
- I want to be present for even more of the two things I mentioned for 2021, minus CV19, of course, what a pain in the butt!
As always please share your thoughts or questions and share this with your team or anyone who might find it useful.
Have a good one, Alex
2022 Murph Count: 22