TN50#168_Helping Our Heroes – With Horses_24 June_2024
Hi Team,
A lot of therapy is done without words, Operation Equine adds horses to the healing. Operation Equine is a Colorado based nonprofit that is doing God’s work as it supports:
- Active-duty military, veterans and first responders
- The families of our active-duty military, veterans and first responders
- The care givers and support staffs that care for our active-duty-military, veterans, first responders and their families.
I’m humbled to have been asked to join their board and I’d like to tell you a little bit about what we do and ask that you consider utilizing our services and supporting our efforts.
Happy Monday and welcome to The Next 50 #168. I like to think of personal performance in 3 components: physical, mental and emotional. My frameworks focus on 4 Buckets: Eat, Sleep, Move and Think. This blog is my sandbox for sharing information that you might find useful for your personal performance.
Like I said, “A lot of therapy is done without words.” Operation Equine adds horses and the outdoors into the equation. It is my experience, and the experience of many people I know, that a broader positive experience integrated with talk-therapy provides a much deeper more meaningful outcome.
At Operation Equine, counseling is different than the conventional mental health model. The horses are our co-therapists, and they relate with and respond to whomever is in front of them as a unique individual. They can give us insights about ourselves and each other that we might not fully receive in a traditional office setting. (
Equine therapy is very effective for a lot of reasons and if you’ve ever truly been around a horse, you get it. For those who haven’t here are some quotes that might help bridge the gap of experience:
- “God made doctors to help heal the body. But he made horses to help heal the soul.” – Author unknown.
- “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” – Winston Churchill.
- The horse is a mirror, it goes deep into the body,” Ray Hunt
Another fact you may find interesting is that all the equine therapy, besides the annual 6-day men’s and women’s pack is done on the ground and doesn’t involve riding the horse. This isn’t a sham horse riding business disguised as a non-profit. All our therapists hold multiple therapy and equine therapy degrees and certifications.
So here’s my ask:
- If you, or someone you know, may find the services provided by Operation Equine helpful please reach out to me, or reach out through our website:
- If you want to know more about partnering with Operation Equine with a one-time or recurring tax-deductible contribution please reach out to me, or go through our website:
- If you want to join us or learn more about sponsoring The Barnyard Jubilee, our annual fundraiser, please reach out to me, or check out that page on our website:
- If you’d like to donate an item (or 10) to our Auction that coincides with The Barnyard Jubilee PLEASE reach out to me, and we’ll get that organized as well.
I’ll end it with one more quote:
“Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls. They give us hope.” – Toni Robinson.
Have a good one,
PS. Questions on your personal performance? Let me know at:
PPS. If you’re new to First Principles Performance Coaching, here’s a one stop shop for my stuff.
PPPS. Ready to improve your Executive and Human Performance, email me so I can introduce you to my first ever Better Basics Group Coaching Program!