TN50#173_Ear Creases And Other Signs You May Have Heart Disease _13 August_2024

Hi Team,

So I’m looking at a weekly email from a business book author named, Verne Harnish.  He wrote a book called Scaling Up that’s pretty popular in the Entrepreneur crowd (and his weekly email is called Verne’s Insights, you can check it out here).  Verne usually starts his email of with a company that is crushing it using his proprietary business coaching services or some other top drawer business interest commentary; on Friday he pretty much started it off like this: Do you have a Diagonal Earlobe Crease (DELC)?”  So I’ll now follow suit.

Happy Monday and welcome to The Next 50 #173. I like to think of personal performance in 3 components: physical, mental and emotional.  My frameworks focus on 4 Buckets: Eat, Sleep, Move and Think.  This blog is my sandbox for sharing information that you might find useful for your personal performance.

Do you have a DELC, like the one picture at the top of this article?  And would you believe me if I told you that these creases may be an indicator that you have coronary heart disease!

Check out this short article from Stanford Medicine on Frank’s Sign (DELC) for more information.  And here’s another more detailed study on Frank’s Sign that also indicates how age and the size/depth of the crease plays into the signal from the NIH Library.

Frank’s Sign got me searching the interwebs for similar surface indicators of heart disease and some other more obvious and not so obvious signs popped up.  Here’s a short list.

  1. Fatty Bumps
  2. Clubbed Fingernails
  3. Halo around the iris
  4. Rotten Gums and loose teeth
  5. Blue Lips

For a little more information on this list with useful pictures go here.

Who you know that could use this information? I bet you can think of a couple folks before you click the next email, please share the post with your team and anyone who might find it useful and let me know what you think!

Have a good one,


PS. If you have a question regarding your personal performance? I’m your man:

PPS. If you’re new to First Principles Performance Coaching, here’s a one stop shop for all my stuff.

PPPS. Ready to improve your Executive and Human Performance, email me so I can introduce you to my new BBP – Team Coaching opportunity!