TN50#185_Slow Down To Speed Up 2025_27 December_2024
Hi Team,
I hope your Christmas was amazing. A new year is a new year so why not spend some time analyzing the old, 2024, to improve the new, 2025?
Happy Friday and welcome to The Next 50 #185. I like to think of personal performance in 3 components: physical, mental and emotional. My framework focuses on 4 Buckets: Eat, Sleep, Move and Think. This blog is my sandbox for sharing information that you might find useful for your personal performance.
The following is an outline of my business coaches’ Year In Review that he’s been using for the past 9 years or so. If you’d like to hear him describe all this, you can check out the episode here:
I’m using this for a personal topic and don’t expect to have this completed till sometime in Q1, 2025. Who knows maybe I’ll run it a second time for a second topic
2024 Total Review – Pick a topic:
Business/School/Relationship/Et Cetera
Phase 1: Looking back at 2024
- In 2 Columns list What Worked and B. What Didn’t Work (This is binary, everything goes in one of the two columns.) A personal performance review list could include 12 subjects similar to this list, and you could do it twice if you travel a lot. But no matter what your list looks like, business, school, job, personal, performance… Each item would go in one or the other: What Worked or What Didn’t Work.
- EAT: Daily Food Clock
- EAT: Protein Baseline
- EAT: Energy Balance: Am I Fatter Than I Need To Be
- SLEEP: Environment
- SLEEP: Rituals
- SLEEP: Electronic Sunset
- MOVE: Steps and Stairs
- MOVE: Mobility and Flexibility
- MOVE: Training and Adventure
- THINK: Distraction
- THINK: Relationships
- THINK: Mindset
- This step requires lots of paper! Starting in column What Worked, in long form answer the following questions:
- What did I learn?
- What else?
- And What else?
Then do the same for column B. What Didn’t Work, for each item:
- What did I learn?
- What else?
- What else?
(If you are writing on paper and hopefully you are, leave lots of space for each of these answers so you can keep adding insights as they come to you)
Another prompt for Phase 1 is:
- What signs did I miss?
This will probably be easier for the What Didn’t Work responses but it’s interesting for the What Worked responses as well so go back over all of them with this filter.
Phase 2: Looking ahead to 2025, try to create this from a blank canvas as much as possible.
- What will you keep?
- What will you say no to, or delete?
- What new things will you add?
This is a short list but you should use a single piece of paper for each question, so that you can revisit and add additional answers as well as additional details!
Phase 3: Growth, you do want to grow in 2025, don’t you? This section is a mash up of 2024 and 2025.
- Who was I at the beginning of 2024?
- Who am I now going into 2025?
- What obstacles did I overcome in 2024?
- What obstacles will I face as I take it to a new level in 2025?
- What did I let go of in 2024 that isn’t captured in this exercise already?
- What will my guiding everyday principle or question be to keep my attention focused properly in 2025?
There is a lot to unpack here, if you are thinking a lot of this sounds “woo-woo” maybe it’s time for you to dabble in this space. If you think you know all the answers to questions in Phase 2 you may be moving too fast through the entire exercise.
If you come up with some profound insights, please let me know as I’m looking for 2025 to be a profound year as well!
2025! Let’s GO.
Who do you know that could use this information? I bet you can think of a couple of people before you click the next email, please share the post with your team and anyone who might find it useful and let me know what you think!
Have a good one,
PS. CHECK OUT my most recent podcast with Athan S. on Doing The Work Pod
PPS. If you’re new to First Principles Performance Coaching, here’s a one stop shop for all my stuff.
PPPS. Ready to perform at a whole new level? Email me so I can introduce you to my new BBP Coaching opportunities!