TN50#176_Women Are Not Little Men – Part II_15 October_2024

Hi Team,

Fall is in full swing here in Colorado, so is it a coincidence that I chose an old Huberman Lab Episode with Stacy Sims, PhD that is so good you’re going to have to read about it, here, today?  Maybe, Probably, or it could just be the natural cycle of things.

Happy Monday and welcome to The Next 50 #176. I like to think of personal performance in 3 components: physical, mental and emotional.  My frameworks focus on 4 Buckets: Eat, Sleep, Move and Think.  This blog is my sandbox for sharing information that you might find useful for your personal performance.

So, what does, “Women are not small men” mean?  It’s Stacy Sims quote but here is how I think about it at the 5th Grade level.

Girls and boys are different, this really becomes a thing once puberty starts.

From there, a very healthy man rides his male-hormone wave up and then slowly back down to the grave. (Hopefully)

A very healthy woman rides her female-hormone wave up and then back down to menopause, at which time she becomes a somewhat different woman (hormonally speaking) and may live to see the seasons change another 30 to 50 years.

From the stack of books I’ve read and the many hours of podcasts I’ve consumed regarding the hormonal implications of staying healthy and vibrant as a woman riding that hormone wave, start to finish I have a recommendation to make:

If you could only listen to one person regarding how to understand all the hormonal things a woman experiences specifically regarding how to approach physical training for longevity and quality of life as a WOMAN, I would tell you to pick Stacy Sims. 

Andrew Huberman recorded his episode with Sims earlier this year.  This will be a great place to start for anyone who isn’t familiar with her work.  The episode page I linked to is chock full of all kinds of great information and links so at least snoop around on there for a few minutes.

Here are a few things you’ll learn about:

  • How a shorter Food Clock (FC) probably needs to be executed differently for women compared to men. As in, when the ladies should start their FC.
  • Cold Tub exposure for women – how to do it right.
  • The “Simms” Protocol on Sauna use after training, this one works for women and men!
  • The “10 Minute Rule” – menstrual cycles and high intensity training

AND so, so, so much more.

If you just want a little dose from the way back machine, here is Sims’ Ted Talk from 2019, only about 14 minutes.

Women AND Men, can learn a lot from Stacy Sims.

Who do you know that could use this information? I bet you can think of a couple folks before you click the next email, please share the post with your team and anyone who might find it useful and let me know what you think!

Have a good one,


PS. Here’s a link to Part I: Women Are Not Small Men,

PPS. Need help with your personal performance? Let me know at:

PPPS. If you’re new to First Principles Performance Coaching, here’s a one stop shop for all my stuff.

PPPPS. Ready to improve your Executive and Human Performance, email me so I can introduce you to my new BBP – Coaching opportunities!